Author of the Week

Featured Author of the Week:

Nia Sade Akinyem

Nia Sadé Akinyemi is a mogul in the making, at only 23 years young. She is a Mother, a College Graduate, Best-Selling Author, Master Editor, Writing Coach, Youth Empowerment Educator, Keynote Speaker, Skilled Vocalist and Social Justice Organizer & Journalist. 

Among the rising leaders of the millennial generation, Nia has begun to make a mark throughout Metro Atlanta and across the country. She is known as, "The Literary Revolutionary", as she is CEO & Founder of YBF Publishing. At the top of this year, Nia created the #WriteTheBookChallenge as an effort to promote documentation of the stories and history of people of color. More specifically, Nia has launched a global campaign to encourage, create, and promote more black authors, through Black Authors Matter.

Nia is the Founder & Executive Director of Literacy On Purpose, Inc. Her nonprofit organization aims to educate students in critical areas that lack attention in the public school system setting, such as: Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Service, Cultural History and Diversity. Through this organization, Nia has curated and facilitated several workshops in the literary and social justice arenas, such as: The Writer's Workshop Series, the Teach Write Publish Youth program, and The Blueprint to Activism Project.

Nia has served as the Chairwoman of the Young Adult Council for the NAACP Clayton County Branch. She is a founding member of the Revolutionary Moms Club, an active member of the SisterCARE Alliance where she serves on the Social Justice League, one of the leading organizers of the Clayton and Dekalb County Coalitions for Justice and Police Accountability and the Coalition in Support of Basil Eleby. Additionally, Nia currently represents as the Youth Coordinator of the National Coalition to Combat Police Terrorism.

Nia has recently been named, "The Voice" of the Rising Generation! She is known to "Talk the Talk & Walk the Walk". More importantly, Nia continues to spread the message to her people to write books and document history - because no one can tell our stories, like we can tell our stories.

Visit Nia's Website:

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